How to buy $CLONE?
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Last updated
Before participating in the $CLONE Presale, it is essential to set up your preferred cryptocurrency wallet. (f.e. Metamask or Rabby wallet)
Make sure to have enough ETH for gas and USDT or USDC on ERC20 chain on your wallet to buy $CLONE.
Connect your wallet.
For the best experience we recommend to use Metamask or Rabby wallet.
After connecting your wallet, you will be able to see your ETH, USDT, USDC and CLONE balance.
To buy CLONE, you need to have some USDC or USDT and ETH for gas on your wallet.
Choose USDT or USDC and type the amount you want to buy.
Minimum purchase is $200, maximum is $20,000.
After entering the amount you want to buy, proceed to approve the transaction.
If you're not able to proceed, check your ETH balance.
If you have no ETH for gas on your wallet, you won’t be able to proceed with the transaction.
After approving the transaction, click on mint.
Congratulations. You have bought your first $CLONE tokens.